Thursday, January 27, 2011

On the fly

In this play, Iago can definitely be characterized as an evil genious. First of all, he never had anything for his evil plan fully planned out. He had ideas from the start for what he could use ot poison Othello's mind, but other than that he used what he had and made things up as he went. He used any opportunity he could seize to his advanatage. For example, the handkerchief was never part of his plan to use. But he saw the opportunity to use it against Cassio and it was one of the items that solidified the false idea that Desdemona was cheating on him. While he could do this, he was also able to change his personality in the blink of an eye. There were 3 personalities Iago used. The one with Roderigo, the one with Cassio and Desdemona, and the third was with Othello. When he needed to, he could change from one to the other without hesitation.

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