Tuesday, March 22, 2011



This phrase is the slogan for the Party that is repeated much throughout the book. Also, the slogan represents much of the external conflict that occurs through the book. In this book's time period, Oceana is in constant war with other countries which explains the first third of the slogan. The second part of the slogan represents the lives of the people. Everyone in the Party lives under constant watch of the Party and the Thought Police who come and "vaporize" people. Everything that is said, facially expressed, and done is scrutinized by this higher authority, causing everyone to live in fear and hatred (the hatred part comes from the "war is peace" part of the slogan). Although a majority of the people are die hard followers of the Party and the principles of Ingsoc, they are still vaporized due to somehow being a danger to the Party. Finally, people are also led to believe series of lies that are changing constantly. With this, the Party causes people to be ignorant of the past to make themselves more powerful by which they control the past which controls the present meaning that they can make the people of the Party believe anything that it wants them to believe. This external conflict represented by the slogan is effective in either then causing the internal conflict of the nonbeliever like Winston, or brainwashing those who "swallow anything that is said".

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