Tuesday, March 22, 2011

None left to Remember

"Why should one feel it to be intolerable unless one had some kind of ancesteral memory that things had once been different?" (pg 60)

This is a very interesting quote that also incorporates a major theme in this story. Most of the people living in the time period of this book were born after the Revolution, and since much of the history has been wiped out by the Party, no one knows what is was like before the Revolution. Because of this, most people are just going to swallow everything the Party tells them too (unlike Winston) and will have no problem with how life is. People are not necessarily happy, but they just have a neutral feeling to the way of things and simply follow any duty they have. So as time passes, it is easier and easier for the Party to control the people in any way they desire because in time, none will have any recollection of childhood memories of either before of during the Revolution. But one thing will also happen, as Party member who took part in the Revolution die off, the next generation will take their place But with each generation, their beliefs and feeling about the Party may no be as strong as the generations before them, so I believe that after some time, change and another revolution to a more normal society would probably occur from the inside because ideals will change over time with each passing generation.

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