Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The stories from this unit were much different than the stories from the unit before. There seems to be less of a theme brought on by the plot to theses stories. They focus more on the development of the characters and this is where the theme comes from. But if not looked into enough, the stories just seem very pointless and without meaning. I have had trouble extracting any type of theme from these three short stories. The best one I can guess is for the short story Hunters in the Snow and how the characters represent almost how inhumane society is. But for the other two stories, I can kind of analyze the characters and see if any go through any changes and how they contribute to the story but that's about it. My hardest story to find any meaning in was Bartleby the Svrivener. I have absolutely no idea what Bartleby represented or what this story was supposed to teach me! Let's just say that by the end of this novel I was mad because I felt that I gained absolutely nothing from reading this story. Some stories give meaning...but this story just takes away and hour and a half of your life. I'll probably find out soon exactly what it was about, but for now...I have nothing.

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