Wednesday, November 10, 2010

His effect

For this post, I am answering the question on the seperate page on how Bartleby's "I would prefer not to" affects the routine of the lawyer and employees. This phrase is the majority of what Bartleby says throughout the story. He starts off like some normal guy and then we figure out that he not so normal. But after a while of Bartleby repeating this phrase, the people at work around him almost start to inadvertantly say what he ways. For a whole page in the story approximately, the people in the office start to use the word prefer as well. Also, by Bartleby saying this and not participating in anything in the office, his other workers are forced to do the work required of Bartleby. However, he is never fired (during this beginning part) which is peculiar. Bartleby is refusing to do work in a way that the lawyer is not used to he almost has no idea what to do with Bartleby. He goes back and forth of being showing anger and pity. However, the routine of the lawyer is also affected because earlier in the short story, he mentions how he is a man who has never had to worry about to much in his life. But Bartleby comes in and presents him with all this stuff to think about he has absolutely no idea and he is just constantly consumed from trying to figure out what to do.

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