Thursday, August 12, 2010

Give him a break

In the chapter "The Ghost Soldiers", O' Brien describes how he was shot twice, and on the second time, the medic who was on the field with them was brand new to combat. Because of this, he was very scared and when O' Brien was shot and going through shock, it took him ten minutes just to go and revive him. O' Brien almost died and had to be taken off the field of combat becuase of this. "So when I got shot the second time, in the butt, along the Song Tra Bong, it took the son of a bitch almost ten minutes to work up the nerve to crawl over to me...I'd almost died of shock." When this happened, he had some harsh feelings towards the medic who was called Bobby Jorgenson. I think that O' Brien should have given him a break. O' Brien described how he wanted to hurt Jorgenson for what he had done to him. But I'm sure that when O' Brien had his first combat fight, he had frozen up just as Jorgenson had done. And O' Brien wasn't the one who had to go risk his life to go save the lives of the wounded. That courage comes with experience and Jorgenson just didn't have that experience yet.

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