Thursday, August 12, 2010


About a week ago, I watched Inception for the first time. Now I have already seen it twice because i like . But in the last chapter "The Lives of the Dead", I thought it was interesting how he would dream just so he could be with the girl he loved. In the movie, the main character also dreams to spend time with his deceased wife. "My dream had become a secret meeting place, and in the weeks after she died I couldn't wait to fall asleep at night." Whether or not this is the exact version of what happened to O' Brien or the exaggerated truth, the reader can easily tell that he loved her immensely. However, I think doing something like that could have some negative effects. After her death, just remembering her all the time is going to make it hard for him to move on. After someone's death, the best thing to do is to try and move on the best he or she can. Even though I say this, however, I think that the dreams were a good thing for O' Brien because he still has them and he was able to move on.


  1. What a coincidence I saw this movie too and noticed the connection! :) This is a good comparison though. O'Brien's book had many universal themes in it such as recovering from loss and it is interesting that at book written years ago can relate to a recent movie.

  2. I noticed that O'Brien never mentions the mother of his daughter. Maybe that, too, shows that he hasn't really moved on from his first love.
