Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's all a paradox!!

In the poem "Much Madness is divinest Sense", a word that sums up the whole poem is paradox. First of all, I don't think that this poem can be thoroughly understood until the words Assent and Demure are known because after knowing these words, I had a greater understanding of the poem. But back to paradoxes, the title itself gives away the paradox in which the speaker states, "Much Madness is divinest the Sense." This is stating that if you're mad, then that is divine and you are sane. This seems to contradicts itself. But as you read further into the poem, you realize that the speaker is saying that society expects the sane to simply go along with everyone else, and if you don't, then you are mad. So the speaker is criticizing sociey and its beliefs. The function of this paradox is that it causes the reader to think about the point being made in depth making the reader understand and believe it better. If a writer simply states that it is mad to go along with society, the reader is going to forget about that line soon after because they didn't have to think to hard about it and it's probably just another cliche thing they are hearing. So in order to really get a reader to listen to a point you are making, the key is to get them to think.

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