Thursday, September 9, 2010

Very easily seen

Attempting to discover the tone of "I felt a Funeral, in my Brain" is a very simple task. From the start, or even getting a sense of it from the title, the tone appears to be a very dreary and negative tone. This is mainly becuase the topic of the poem references death because of the funeral in the speaker's head. But not only does this central idea of the poem unveil the tone, the tone seems to be achieved through diction and style. First of all, Dickinson uses many negative words such as "mourners", "treading", "numb", "creak", etc. These words represent the tone ideally because of how they seem to fit the theme of death. When trying to get a sense of the poem's tone, the first thing to look for is proper diction to fit the tone becuase words such as these would never be used for a poem whose central theme was happiness. Lastly, I believe her style in part attributes to the tone because the ending of the poem just seems to cut off which resembles the suddenness of death bringing a dreary tone to the poem.

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