Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is she who I think she is?

Chapter 3 brought about confusion to me. Jake was just sitting by himself at a restaurant and it says in the first paragraph of page 22 how he caught the eye of a girl and just simply by that she came down and sat with him as if they had known each other and this meeting was planned. However, after a while, I get the feeling that she may be a prostitute. Also, when she asks if Jake is sick and then she tells him that she herself is sick, I wasn't sure if they were talking about a simple cold or maybe a STD. I may be way off but this is just what came into my mind when I read through this chapter. I am also confused why Jake calls her his fiancee when he introduces her to his friends. My guess is that fiancee is not used the same way I am familiar with. For this book, I am going to read it without sparknotes so there are probably going to be many times where I am confused.


  1. I thought the same thing at first! It seems like all the books we read in World Lit had prostitutes so it only made sense and they are in post World War I Europe I am kind of more surprised now that I don't think shes a prostitute but she does kind of . . . get around.
