Friday, July 9, 2010

Maybe there is a reason...

At the end of chapter 17, book 3 starts to begin the final chapter of The Sun Also Rises. At first, once again, it seems pointless to begin a new book, especially one at the very end of the novel. But when I looked into it, I feel certain that I found a reason for beginning new books. As a predicted in a previous blog, Hemingway starts a new book every time Brett goes away from Jake. However, the reason for having new books every time this happens still remains unclear. Maybe the new book represents a new stage in his life where he has to go on without Brett, and each time, he doesn't seem to need Brett as much. The reason I think this is because in book one, Jake is always the first to tell Brett that he loves her. Also, book one is the only book that has the two kissing and it's also the one where he becomes preoccupied by Bretts actions. In book two, Jake seems to be able to grow a little away from her becuase they never kiss in this book and he rarely tells her that he loves her. In book 3, he stays in Spain by himself and not once does he think about Brett until the very end when he gets the telegram from Brett telling him to come to Madrid.

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