Friday, July 9, 2010

metaphor in my opinion

In chapter 10, I believe that Hemingway was using a metaphor that reflected the relationship between Jake and Brett. The passage starts page 98 and says: "You couldn't see the sea. It was too far away. You could see only hills and more hills, and you knew where the sea was." This describes perfectly the relationship of the two and is, therefore, very effective. With Jake, Brett is present much of the book with him. However, it is impossible for him to get physically and emotionally close to him becuase of his wound and she pushes him off every time that he tries. This resemble the metaphor of the hills and the sea. All the hills, which were the only things he could see, represent all the pain and difficulty he has to go through without truly being able to be with Brett, which represents the sea. This could be a stretch, but this was the first thing that went through my mind when I read this passage.

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