Thursday, April 14, 2011

One or the other

"On you it rests, whether I quit forever the neighbourhood of man and lead a harmless life, or become the scourge of your fellow creatures, and the author of your own speedy ruin" (pg 70) This is when Victor has his first real encounter with the monster he created. I think it is interesting that the creature that we have come to know in any Frankenstein sort of movie has always been that of intolerable evil and disgust. While this creature may be disgusting, he is not necessarily evil. The only reason that the creature is evil is because of how he is miserable. He seeks only compassion from his creator, but Victor abondoned him making him miserable and into the fiend that he is. So the creature gives Victor the choice of either accepting him and allowing the creature to be loving. Or, instead, he can reject the creature once again and he will turn into the fiend that we stereotypically view as the creature. In my opinion, accepting the creature is the only way that Victor can fully recover from his depressed state of mind. If he does this, then he should realize that he can save others from death if the creature is indeed the one who murdered William.

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