Thursday, April 14, 2011

How does it happen?!

"...a being which hhad the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic stature, sat in the sledge, and guided the dogs." (pg. 8) Foreshadowing is a great tool used by authors to keep the reader intrigued. Some foreshadowing may be obvious as they take place in a dream or are revealed in other forms. However, this foreshadow is quite different than others examples I have read. This is very vague and almost seems as if it is meaningless when we first read it. However, we then see Victor come on board the ship shortly afterwards and this gives us the idea that the creature could have been that man on the sled earlier and Victor was chasing him. This leads the reader, and definitely lead me, to think how could the story progress to such an absurd setting and situation. The use of this foreshadow causes the reader to become curious and motivates them, as it did me, to read further into the novel and figure out what happens. This is a great method of keeping the novel interesting and flowing. Without tools such as this, novels would not be as interesting and authors would have a harder time keeping the reader concentrated and interested in the novel.

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