Thursday, April 21, 2011

In agony...again

"I lay for two months on the point of death: my ravings, as I afterwards heard, were frightful..." (pg. 130)

Throughout the novel, Victor is rarely a healthy being. Some occurence is frequently making him ill and depressed. Frequently being ill and depressed due to some new occurence really evoded me to be very sympathetic towards Victor. Someting different was constantly happening to him due mainly to the evil deeds of the monster. After a while, even I start to really imagine the physical toll placed on Victor. As a reader, I actually got more engaged in the novel. Normally I would think that I would get tired of such a thing happening and eventually lose sympathy for the character. But the way the creature causes the pain of Victor in different ways every time kept me feeling sympathetic towards him. It also really emphasizes how good the creature is at mentally and emotionally torturing someone.

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