Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Lottery: The movie
For this movie, I would have to add a significant amount of plot to the film. The short story and the storyline of the short story is not enough to keep a movie going for a hour and a half. Becuase of this, I would have to nearly transform what happens with everything before the lottery or what happens after the lottery...or probably both. With this in mind, I would make this movie into a horror movie and have a man mistakingly come into this village. The village would appear to be normal, but after a while, the villagers and the village itself then become stranger as the movie progresses. I would keep the same characters as the short story has, and have each one keep their points of view about how they feel about the lottery. In the film, we would find out how each person feels about the lottery due to their private conversations with the stranger who enters the village. Because this man has entered the village, the villagers will not let him out which will eventually cause him to partake in the lottery. I would probably have him become attracted to a woman, and the woman would be the one chosen for the lottery. The man would be like Mrs. Hutchetson in which he is the one screaming out, "it's not fair." Becuase this element would remain, I could do the best I could with keeping the meaning of the work.
Point of View
The point of view would have to drastically change for the film. Instead of having the ominscent point of view like the short story has, I would have to change to a limited point of view where the whole story focuses on the man who enters the village. There wouldn't be a scene that would occur where he was not relatively present. I do not think this would change the meaning of the work becuase since I have more time with the film, he would be able to maybe talk to people about the lottery before it happens like Mr. Summers or Old man Warner and still get different approaches about it from different people. Because it is possible for me to do this, the meaning of the original work can easily remain with the film. All the film would have to do is incorporate anything that is described in the story with interactions with the man and the other people in the village.
For the film, I would definitely use an indirect characterization, similar to how the short story does this. In the short story, the conversations between the villagers is what illustrates their feelings about the lottery and the author never directly describes how each person views the lottery. For the film adaption, I will be able to do this through the man's interactions with other people. They never really will directly talk about the lottery becuase they are either restricted to or maybe its just tradition not to. By doing this, the villagers may indirectly show their feelings about the lottery and whether or not they have their doubts about it or whether they think it is necessary. When he becomes trapped in the village in the film, this is where we will find out more about the other characters. In the short story, we never really know that much about each character except for their feelings on the lottery. But in the film, we will be able to go deeper into the lives of the villagers.
The setting for this story would pretty much be identical to the story except for the setting before the man gets to the village in the film. With this setting at the beginning of the film, I may be able to hint at and enhance the meaning of the short story by maybe showing how society is similar to the reactions of the villagers during the lottery. But other than that, the setting for the film would remain primarily in the village. However, I would be able to show more detail about the village than the short story because the short story took place primarily in the village square where the lottery took place. But I do not think that slight changes in the setting would diminish or enhance the meaning of the work enough to matter. As long as the theme of the story is kept constant, then that is what is important.
Keeping the meaing of the original work would be my main focus if I were to make The Lottery into a film. The meaing of this work in my opinion would be how people do not let go of tradition easily which can make us close minded about things. Also, comparing the reactions of the people participating in the lottery to society is another theme to make note of. These themes would definitely be able to remain in the film which would be my main priority. There is no reason that the meaning of the Lottery should be diminished. In showing how people sometimes do not let go of tradition, I would make some of the villagers really creepy building up to the creepiness of the lottery. His woman he recently began a relationship with would be chosen and he would then be the one to resemble society and shout about how its not fair.
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Film)
While the the film and short story of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button share similar themes and the basis to the story line are pretty much the same, the two also share many differences. To start with the similarities, both story show the story of a man who is born old and has to cope with his problem of aging backwards. Because of how this is kept consistent between the two, some themes between the two are kept the same. However, this is really the only significant detail kept consistent. The significant differences then become numerous. For instance, one major change the movie made was that at the birth of Benjamin, the mother dies and Benjamin's father puts him at the doorstep of a nursery home. In the short story, the mother remains alive and the father keeps the baby. This changes how we view Benjamin Button in the movie. In the movie, he grows up with the old people in the nursery and this causes us to compare Benjamin to older people. His mind is that of a child, but, nevertheless, he acts like the older people in the nursery home. Because of this, I was able to observe how a child's mind in an aged person's body is almost identical to a normal old person and how older people act. The film also went to include scenes how aging backwards is similar to aging forwards like, for example, learning how to walk was something that Benjamin went through because he was in wheelchair before that.
Point of View
The point of view between the short story and the film are completely different. In the short story, there is an omniscent point of view; however, in the film, the story is told in almost two points of view. The first is Benjamin Button himself while the story of his life is told from a diary that a woman reads throughout the movie. The second comes from the old lady in the hospital bed who would also help contribute to the story. With this different point of view, I felt that I became more connected with Benjamin Button and understood him as a character better. This is because through this different point of view in the movie, we can learn more personal things about Benjamin including how he truly was as a character. In the short story, the omniscent point of view allows us to get more information about other characters, but in the movie, we are limited only to what Benjamin knows. With this more personal view in the movie, we can more easily compare Benjamin to other characters that are old when he is old looking but truly young.
Benjamin Button is not a very complex person in the short story. Its simply an overview of his life, but we never get to know him too well making him a flat character. But in the movie, with the story from the diary being told in Benjamin's own voice, we get more of a feel of what he really is like making him into more of a complex person. With this complexity, the character is able to better establish relationships with others. In the short story, he has relationships with his father and wife, but they are not told in very much detail or complexity. It's simply a stoy being told. However, in the movie, he establishes multiple, complex relationships with others in the nursing homes. These relationships then are capable of adding more themes to the movie than the short story was capable of doing. Like the book however, both characters are developed through indirect characterization which almost force us to compare him to old people when he is young allowing us to further understand certain themes.
The setting between the movie and the film are very different. The short story begins on 1860 around the civil war time while the film begins on the day WWI ended which was Benjamin's day of birth. However, this time change allows us to understand that the themes present in this novel are timeless. Moreover, the two share a similar setting in relationship to how the story begins and ends. In both versions, the stories begin with them growing up in a certain place and having to be taken care of. Then, in both, Benjamin goes off to live his life whether it be to fight a war as in the short story, or to live on a fishing boat as in the movie. However, in both, when they degress to being young, when in fact they are old, both versions have Benjamin returning to his home and having to be taken care of again until he dies as a baby. This setting shows how it is identical to that of a normal aging man. So the movie keeping this aspect of the short story helps the story itself remain with a few certain themes.
The short story was difficult to extract any sort of theme from is becuase of it lack of depth. But the movie shared themes included in the short story plus any more that are not present in the short story due to the films depth and complexity. One theme that I was able to learn from the movie was to be grateful for things while you have them. Since Benjamin was a child as an old man, he was exposed to others that were already old and would therefore die in Benjamin's lifetime. So Benjamin at first had to learn to be grateful for what he had because he found out that people don't stay in his life forever early on. While watching this movie, I was quick to be able to spot this theme, not because they simply said this, but because the increased complexity and depth of the movie allowed for it to be easy to find a theme. The short story seemed so blunt and shallow that finding a theme quite a task.
Thursday, December 2, 2010 happened
Role Reversal!!
The Island
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
In the curious case of Benjamin Button, I almost see the plot as a backwards storyline. This is due to how the main character, Benjamin Button, is born a seventy year old man and then progressively ages younger. In the plot their still exists an exposition, rising action, etc., but those elements of the plot almost seem reversed (but they are not) due to the reversed aging of Benjamin. However, the plot consisting of the reversed aging is what significantly impacts the story and how I was able to compare different ages. By having Benjamin Button being born and "apparently of 70 years old" inevitably causes the reader to compare him to a child during that part of the story, and visa versa towards the end of the story. By this occuring, I was able to spot out how old people are so alike helpless children and how children how like the old. I believe this to be a theme of the work making the plot and essential element to understanding it.
Point of View
The point of view present in this short story can be described as ominiscent point of view. The narrator does not know detail solely on Benjamin, but also on his family around him. The first few pages are about Roger Button alone. By having an ominiscent point of view, the reader can be given more detail about other characters. This helps me compare Benjamin to other characters. For example, on page 50, the author described Roscoe as having "obviously no heartiness in feeling toward [Benjamin]--there was even perceptible a tendency on his son's part to think that Benjamin...was somewhat in the way." By being able to have an all-knowing narrator, we can get descriptions like these. This description about Rosco helped us compare Benjamin to and old man. At this time in the story, Benjamin growing more a child, and as grown children take care of their parents when they get too old, Benjamin needed to be cared for by his son. This is how ominiscent point of view is necessary for this story.
The author reveals Benjamin to us through indirect characterization. This, again, is also an effective tool in comparing Benjamin's apparent age to people of his true age. By only being able to figure out Benjamin through his actions, we are given even more detail and experiences that help us compare him. If we were told that, as an old man (when actually he was just born), Benjamin was senile and cranky, I would not compare him to a child because this is not an accurate description of a child's personality. But through action that can both replicate an old man's action and child's action, we can easily compare the two. For example, on page 20, Benjamin's father warns him that doing bad things such as what Benjamin had done earlier could "stunt his growth." Regular children would noramally be told this, but in this case Benjamin is and it resembles that of how a parent would talk to a small child. Also, Benjamin is most certainly a dynamic character throughout the short story.
Throughout the short story there are multiple settings. For the most part, Benjanin remains at his home in what I believe to be Maryland. The only other major settings that occur in the story is when Benjamin goes off to fight the Spanish-American War and goes to college. This setting also shows how both extremes of age are very similar. When Benjamin is seen as a seventy year old (but really just born) he stays at home with his father who takes care of him. Then as he comes to the middle of his life, he enters the military and then goes to college. Then towards his childhood (but really when he is around 50 or so), he has to go back home and since"Hildegarde was now residing in Italy, Benjamin went to live with his son, Roscoe." This resembles the regular setting of a person who ages normally. Children have to stay at home and be taken care of, and old people also have to be at some consistent place and be taken care of.
While this story was very interesting, it was very hard to extract a theme from it. The story was very easy to follow and was interesting as well. But when I got to the end, it is difficult to find some sort of theme or lesson learned from reading this short story. Because of this, it is neccessary to dwell deeper into what maybe the author wants the reader to get from reading this short story. So when thinking deeply into what a theme could be, I decided that the story teaches how going in the wrong direction in life can be a very bad thing. For Benjamin, he was going in the opposite direction than everyone else in terms of his age. Because of this, he would not change as the other people changed around him. As his wife got older, he got younger and started to dislike the oldness of his wife. He was become her previous youth while she was becoming his previous old age. This brings conflict between the two. There are also many other examples throughout this story which are representative of the theme.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Brutal Truth
Like a child
Both types
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
His effect
Makes no sense...yet
Shouldn't be talking
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Our first week...
All makes sense
Whoa! That came out of nowhere...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
General Overview
Delight in Disorder
Crazy twist!
Almost like reading something else
Thursday, September 30, 2010
My reaction to tone
Unlike the others
Unexpected Irony
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I can relate
Mr. Z
It's all a paradox!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Unit overview: Chapter 5.
Pink Dog
February: the lonely month
"Dream Deferred" theme
Sybolism of the star
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Difficult to understand
Relationship between the two
My view of the poem.
A whole greater meaning
Very easily seen
Monday, September 6, 2010
Interpretation of Poetry
This reading will definitey have me looking at poems entirely in a new way. What I have always done, I believe, was do a kind of scan of the poem and from there try to get what the gist of it was saying. I have never truly analyzed poetry. For example, when I read over some of the poems in this article, Perrine later analyzed it pulling out key words that I didn't even remember reading. I can't just read poetry like a novel, I must be much more careful and precise. Because of this article, I have realized the correct way of reading poetry and will try to improve my skill in that area. Even as poets have to be very skilled, the readers also have to have skill and experience if they wish to correctly analyze a poem. So during our poetry quarter, I am going to strive to become a better analyzer by the end.